Today's Hiking Stats - 2024 Season
Total Signups56164610510515025520432000
Hike Spots64186111513011939121549000
Open Spots204202635101986821000

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Calgary Weekend Hikers - How You Can Help

NEW - How Can You Help

The Calgary Weekend Hikers (CWH) is a club run fully by volunteers. The importance of volunteer support from the club members cannot be overestimated – they are the life blood and core essence of our richness, diversity and longevity of the club.

When you become a volunteer not only are you giving back to the club but you will also learn from the knowledge and skills of those seasoned veterans and mentors of which the club has many. You will also be able to get to know other club members and possibly develop friendships beyond the hiking trail.

The CWH Club is always looking for volunteers to lend a hand in one of many capacities. The club offers a variety of opportunities to help from a one night commitment to a year. You can assist with:

Social Coordinator Team (approximately 3-4 events each year):

  • Help in the kitchen with food, coffee, tea and wine
  • Help with the chairs and tables needed to be setup and torn down at each event

Hike Planning Team (January thru mid-March):

  • Help with the creation of the season’s hiking schedule. Work with a team to contact the membership to lead their favourite trails or explore new ones each year
  • Volunteer to help with the phone lines for either weekend trips or mid-week trips

Communications Team (approximately 3-4 times each year):

  • Help with the various mailings of schedules and newsletters throughout the year

Hike Coordinator – (April 1 – October 31):

Web Team (on-going):

  • Offer to be part of the web team and help its maintenance
  • Become the Photo Historian

Become a Member of the Executive:

  • Help with various executive-appointed functions such as the newsletter, keeping club stats, and archiving club records
  • To learn more about becoming part of the Executive team talk to the President. He/ she would love to hear from you!

If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please contact any member of the Executive and they would be happy to provide more details on the position and how you can get involved. Members can also obtain further details on the website under ‘Other – Documents’

Become a Volunteer Today!

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